获得成为创造性思维基石的技能, 沟通, 和 problem-solving with 欧文康考迪亚大学’s foundational 和 applicable Bachelor of Science in Computer Science degree.
作为一名计算机专业的学生, 您将在设计中Explore复杂的挑战并制定现实世界的解决方案, 发展, 并对计算机的软硬件进行了分析. 建立在一个全面的基础核心Curriculum, 你也将通过你的Curriculum获得雇主想要的现实技能. 适应性等品质, 速度, 精度, 清晰的沟通, 通过小组合作解决问题, 支持实习机会, 还有一个软件开发项目. Through this process, you will be equipped with the necessary skills for today's connected economy.
Concordia’s computer science major is distinctive because it will provide you with excellent technical skills as well as a Lutheran, 基督教文科教育,发展你的智力, 精神上的, 和道德习惯一样明智, 可敬的, 有教养的公民.